Material Universe is solely made out of Waves in Aether
Matter is made of waves. Nothing else exists but the aether. Yes, I realize that this may sound quite weird. However I know a lot about optics, waves and physics and this is why I strongly affirm the wave nature of matter. For example, one should answer this simple question: how does a photon work, from a mechanical point of view? Surely, nobody ever proposed an acceptable explanation. The point is that, as long as this question remains unanswered, nobody is entitled to believe that photons really exist. Up to now, it was just a convenient word hiding one’s ignorance. Additionally, there is absolutely no evidence of photons inside radio waves. There is no evidence of electric and magnetic fields inside them either because they may simply induce such fields inside matter as well without any need for carrying them all the way. Finally, the true nature of light, radio waves, electric and magnetic fields, gravity, energy, fields of force, electrons and matter itself is still totally unknown. Despite our immense knowledge, we are still standing in front of the Unknown. The goal is to find the truth. So our first step should be to propose hypotheses and examine them. Actually, this web site does explain all from a mechanical point of view. Nobody else ever proposed so many acceptable hypotheses. There are many revolutionary assumptions throughout these pages. If you are unable to propose some of your own, do not reject my ideas simply because they sound ridiculous. You should examine them first. And if you disagree with them, you need an acceptable reason.
Ray Tomes – Matter is made of spherical standing waves. A standing wave is a wave that may be thought of as two waves traveling in opposite directions.
For a particle, this means an incoming wave converging on the centre and an outgoing wave coming out of the centre, which is just the incoming wave after it travels through the centre. Seeing matter as real waves rather than just probabilities is consistent with the thinking of Schroedinger and de Broglie who established the important formula for the behaviour of particle waves.
My own studies are consistent with Milo Wolff, Yuri Ivanov and Gabriel La Freniere and lead to the formulae of relativity and quantum mechanics in a realistic way without any hocus pocus. Geof Hazelhurst and Karen Howie have developed a substantial web site on this.